The initial consultation is a fifty-minute session, conducted in a confidential space where we will discuss in privacy your current difficulties. I will ask you a lot of questions to understand the main issues that have brought you to seek help, gather information about your history, identify setbacks and therapy goals.
During the consultation, a questionnaire will be administered designed to facilitate the recognition and diagnosis of the most common mental disorders (eg. PHQ-9 for depression, GAD-7 for anxiety and other common mental health symptoms (eg. OCI for obsessive compulsive disorder, PDDS for panic attacks, HAI for health anxiety etc.)
The following terms will apply for your initial appointment:
Appointment last 50 minutes from the scheduled start time, regardless of the client’s time of arrival.
Missed or cancelled sessions are chargeable and you will be responsible for payment.
This service is not a crisis service. For urgent support please contact your GP, attend your local Accident & Emergency (A&E) department, telephone the Emergency Services on 999, or telephone The Samaritans on 116123.
Payments methods accepted: direct debit, paypal or cash.
I abide by the code of ethics pertaining to my professional body the British Association for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (BABCP) and United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP).
There may be circumstances where there might be sufficiently concerns about the risk of serious harm to the client or a third party that the therapist feels the need to inform the supervisor. In this case, the supervisor would decide with the therapist on any necessary course of action. The only other exception to the therapist maintaining confidentiality would be where the therapist may be required by a court to give evidence under oath.
At the end of the session, we will discuss your expectations about the length (and outcome) of therapy, interpret the results from the questionnaire and recommend what would be the best course of action for you. If we agree to work together we will go through our contract which is an agreement between between us regarding confidentiality, cancellations etc. For further information please see the contract section.
Chryssa Chalkia

”The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” –Socrates
Initial Consultation